Infineon is one of our longest-standing customers. Since 1988, we have been supporting the global market leader in semiconductor solutions as a supplier of power electronic components and systems.
Rudi Göbel honored with the Infineon Supplier Award 2022.
Here, high demands meet a consistent appreciation of quality and individual support. Well-rehearsed processes and teams stand for this special “drive”, which is the hallmark of the decades-long cooperation between Rudi Göbel and Infineon.

That’s why we are all the more pleased to have received an award from Infineon in the category of Best Material Supplier in the High Power Segment at the last Global Supplier Day 2022. On behalf of the entire Rudi Göbel team, our commercial manager Florian Lugert and QA manager Gerd Malina accepted the award on site in Kuala Lumpur. At this point, a big thank you also belongs to our supplier Aurubis, who laid the foundation for this award with its high-quality raw materials.

Kathrin Funke (Infineon), Florian Lugert (Rudi Göbel), Dr. Michael Hoppe (Aurubis), Gerd Malina (Rudi Göbel), Christiane Hukriede (Infineon).
© Image: Infineon Technologies AG
The Infineon IFX Supplier Award 2021 for Rudi Göbel – appreciation for outstanding teamwork during the flood disaster.
As an appreciation for the responsive support during the 2021 flood disaster, our company was honored by Infineon with the IFX Supplier Award 2021 at PCIM Nuremberg in May this year. In this context, it was important for Infineon to thank the entire Rudi Göbel team for ensuring the supply of materials as well as the required capacities. Here, the flexibility in handling production slots or qualifications was highlighted, as well as the good and close coordination with Tier 2 and Infineon. Due to this high degree of reliability and reaction speed, the production lines at Infineon and their customers could be maintained.
At that time, we received the IFX Supplier Award 2021, already our third award from Infineon. An award that has a very high value for us, especially in the year of the pandemic, flood disaster, disrupted supply chains and wars.

”Especially in times like these, a good partnership proves its worth.
Frank PichlerManaging Director
The trophy was presented on May 9, 2022 during the PCIM trade fair in Nuremberg at a joint dinner. Even in the virtual pandemic everyday life the sympathy and the good connection between our project teams never came too short.
On behalf of the entire company, we would like to take this opportunity to thank infineon for this award and the valuable partnership. A big thank you also goes to our Rudi Göbel team in Helmbrechts as well as to the raw material suppliers involved, without whom a cooperation on such a high level would be unimaginable. Let’s keep it up!